Choose with Confidence
Members of the Bucks County Recovery House Association are owners who have voluntarily joined this organization, been accepted into the association, and agree to abide by a set of standards set in place by the Board.
Every member adheres to the following guidelines:
Inspection: All houses are inspected regularly by the membership committee and the probation and parole deparment of Bucks County. Bucks County Probation and Parole will not approve any clients under supervision residing in a house which is not a member of the Bucks County Recovery House Association.
Proper Permits:
Every house must provide proof that their house has all the proper permits and has adhered to the regulations of the municipality in which they are located.
Policies & Procedures:
Every house must adhere to the bylaws and regulations of the Bucks County Recovery House Association.
Grievance Procedure:
Residents can submit any concerns or grievances to the Association for investigation
Join Us!
Join Bucks County Recovery House Association
and become a part of a community committed to helping those in recovery succeed by offering the best in sober living.
Our Members Include
Owners of Approved Recovery Houses
Mental Health Professionals
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Professionals
By sending a client, friend, or family member to a recovery house that is part of the Bucks County Recovery House Association, you can be sure that it is a respectable house and you are giving them the best opportunity for success possible.